“Launch” Young Adults
Practical Behavioral Science Skills to Help with the Transition from Dependent Child to Independent Young Adult.
Tom Dozier applies the basic science of human behavior to help others. After completing a Master of Science program in Behavior Analysis and the Family at California State University, Stanislaus Tom developed an online video behavioral parent training program – Love, Laughter and Limits. He is a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and a certified instructor for “Parenting Tools for Positive Behavior Change” which is used in Florida to train Foster Parents. Tom has a particular interest in young adults and been sharing positive parenting skills since 2003. Over the years many parents have told us they would like more guidance with parenting skills. Many feel that their parenting is erratic, reactive, and extreme toward their emotionally dysregulated young adults, and parents often struggle with emotional dysregulation themselves while trying to implement new skills.
During the teen years, your child became more independent in making their decisions. Some of this was much to your chagrin. As a young adult they are still making decisions and should be progressing to becoming financially independent and self-sufficient. As a parent, there is much you can do to help (or hurt) your young adult child’s launch into adulthood. If a young adult you care about is struggling please watch Tom Dozier’s “The Launch” series of 18 videos to help learn how you can more effectively support them. We hope this is a helpful resource.
The Launch: Introduction
The Launch: The Transition from Dependent Child to Independent Adult
The Launch: Behavior Science for Young Adults
The Launch: Love, Laughter and Limits for Young Adults
The Launch: Dealing with a Squatter
The Launch: Clearing Out the Roost
Ask, Don’t Tell: A Spooky Parenting Skill
Behavior Science, Part 1: Experience that Works
Behavior Science, Part 2: Feelings, Emotions, Reflexes
Parental Expectations: Teaching and Motivating Good Behavior
Grandmas Law: Motivation the Easy Way
Effective Parenting Skills for Young Adults, Part 1: Positive Parenting
Effective Parenting Skills for Young Adults, Part 2: Parental Expectations
Effective Parenting Skills for Young Adults: Part 3: Handling Problem Behavior
Parent Attention: An Awesome Influence on Child Behavior
Positive Home Environment (PHE): The Secret Ingredient of a Successful Home
PIVOT Purposeful or Planned Ignoring
Time-Out A Few Minutes of Boredom
Tom Dozier spoke at a CRAFT Connect Community Discussion Series on November 21, 2022. We have posted Tom’s presentation as a PDF that you can download by clicking on the button below. “The Launch” is available as a self-taught course on Tom’s Love, Laughter and Limits website, https://3lparenting.com/.